Georgia vs. Florida

Is each game independent?


Real Data Set Analysis

Stat 6070

Ryan Shannon


Here I have created a spreadsheet of GA vs. FL from 1952-present.

The spreadsheet is a link, feel free to open in excel and expand.

Graphs of each Universities scores.









View as a Word Document

Data Set analysis: * I placed the data in the excel sheet*

I found this data on :

This data represents the scores of the games for Georgia versus Florida from 1904-present with a few years missing. To condense the set I took the scores from 1952-present. The data was produced by me making an excel spreadsheet, from a collection of the scores. The data sheet on Wikipedia was gathered by the listings of scores by record books. I think that in a Georgia high school, Georgia vs. Florida scores and predicting who is going to win would be of high interest and fun.

That each set is going to be independent of one another. Find the line of regression to see if what the chances or the likelihood of Georgia or Florida winning. Find the mean and the standard deviation to guess what the score is going to be. Then guess what the score is going to be and see if our data and guess was accurate. Find outliers and how they are going to affect the graph. See if there is a correlation.

What is the mean and standard deviation of the scores for both UGA and UF? What is the line of regression for GA and FL? What do you predict to be the score for UGA and for FL? Was your guess correct? Is each game independent of one another, or are the games connected.

I think that this is a great way to get the students into finding means and standard deviations. GA FL is a great game and rivalry that involves most students. I like that we can predict the score but it is at the mercy of the game at what the real score is. This is a great exercise to show the students that statistics can predict but is not always perfect and to be careful of false stats.

